2024-05-21 06:01:55

kaiyun体育(中国)登录网页入口 泰州大学生村官群众路线主题论坛心得体会



泰州大学生村官群众路线主题论坛心得体会西鲍乡陆鸭村村主任助理 耿洪海 今天我认真观看了8月21日在泰州市电视台800平米演播大厅举办的《大学生村官群众路线主题论坛》。本次活动是以“群众路线”为主题的首届大学生村官论坛。 会上,表彰了10名“泰州市第四届‘十佳’大学生村官”和10名“泰州市首届‘追梦?富民杯’大学生村官十大创业明星”。他们是我们大学生村官的学习榜样, 通过观看参加论坛的大学生村官们的精彩讨论及老干部、专家、学者的精彩点评,让我从中受益匪浅。在观看中我渐渐对“亲民、为民、富民”有新的理解和感悟: 一、亲民,亲近于民 亲民是什么, 亲民,就是把群众当亲人当朋友。 靖江市西来镇郁家村村官徐枥认为:“亲民,就是要亲近百姓、融入群众。亲民,就是自己心里时刻装着群众,把群众当亲人。” 靖江市季市镇大庆村党支部副书记王刚认为:“亲民,就是放下身段,主动请村民大伯教他说靖江话,通过学说靖江话,拉近了与老百姓的距离。” 高港区胡庄镇纪委副书记、周马村党总支副书记周旦认为:“亲民,就是亲近百姓、融入群众,为他们做一点力所能及的事。” 机关选派到村干部高寿祥点评认为:“亲民kaiyun体育(中国)登录网页入口,就是你把群众当亲人,群众一定会把你当亲人。

” 我通过学习并加上自己的思考对亲民也有自己的认识: 亲民,就是要自觉增进与群众的深厚感情。在任何时候、任何情况下,与人民群众同呼吸共命运的立场不能变。只有我们把群众当亲人,群众才会把我们当家人。我们大学生村官要经常进农门、察农情,与群众话家常、问冷暖,以人民忧乐为忧乐,以人民甘苦为甘苦,切实把工作做好。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 二、 为民 为民谋利 为民是什么,为民,就是为民办实事,办好事。

姜堰区张甸镇三陈村党支部书记郁阿进认为:“为民,就是真心实意想为群众服务,就会想方设法克服困难,为百姓解决问题,这样才能让群众满意。” 已担任海陵区罡杨镇副镇长的大学生村官陈小龙认为:“村里都是安排大学生村官们做做台账资料,如果得过且过,不主动积极地融入中心工作,那就会成为杂工,被边缘化了。” 江苏省委党校刘长江教授点评认为:身为村官,真心为村民利益着想,多为大家做好事、办实事,方能赢得信任、实现自我。 我通过学习并加上自己的思考对亲民也有自己的认识:为民,就是要真心实意为群众多办实事。大学生村官在基层工作,要把群众满意不满意作为衡量工作的唯一标准。要在改善民生上付出更多努力,积极推动各项惠民政策的落实,让群众获得实实在在的好处。要主动帮助困难群众,让他们更多享受到改革发展成果。只有人民群众真正高兴了、满意了,才能说明我们的工作到位了、达标了。 三、富民,富裕于民 富民又是什么,富民,就是创业带动村民致富。 陈小龙认为:“创业有价值,必须会权衡,所以,创业有利于增强青年人的决策能力。” 赵楠楠说:“创业有困难,必须有韧劲、有毅力,所以,创业有利于培养青年人的一种精神状态。 国家级创业培训师王岩认为:”创业就是要勇于开拓、为民谋利,成长就是要脚踏实地、亲历亲为。

只有这样,才能积小成为大成,创造人生的一个又一个精彩。” 通过这次论坛的学习和思考我认为:“富民,就是要全心全意为人民谋利益。大学生村官到村任职,发展是第一要务,富民是第一追求。要带头创业富民,发挥观念新、思路宽、信息灵等优势,结合本地实际,宜工则工,宜农则农,宜商则商,努力达到“创一个项目,带一方百姓,富一方群众”的效果。” cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and

上一篇:kaiyun体育(中国)登录网页入口 中国超级模特大赛:展现青春魅力,璀璨华丽的时尚盛宴
下一篇:kaiyun体育(中国)登录网页入口 揭秘中国黑客联盟:黑客技术的精湛与网络安全的守护者
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